6.1 Server Alerted Management Session 服务器提醒的管理会话

This notification message is intended to provide a possibility for the server to alert the client to perform a management session. When the server alerts the client, it can tell for example the protocol version and whether the server proposes the session to be a foreground or background event. It can also tell if the session is happening because server has some management actions to perform or if the user caused the start of the session. The server MUST also send a digest that is included to prevent any Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

Figure describes the MSC how the server alerts management session. 图描述了MSC如何提醒管理会话。

The package flow presented above is one OMA Device Management session. This means that all messages have the same OMA DM Session ID.
上面给出的包流程是一个OMA设备管理会话。 这意味着所有消息具有相同的OMA DM会话ID。

6.2 Nonce Resynchronisation 随机重新同步

After the client has received a notification message and the digest is not correct then the client SHOULD re-verify the digest using the special nonce value, 0x00000000.” Servers can not expect all clients to supports this features and MAY therefore take a different action, such as re-bootstrap the device, for example.

The flow of this particular scenario is as follows:

  1. [Pkg #0] Client receives Notification message and fails to authenticate the message using stored server nonce value.

  2. Client tries to re-authenticate notification message using a default server nonce value (0x00000000). If this authentication succeeds, then continue to step 3; otherwise notification message is ignored and no session is initiated.

  3. [Pkg #1] Client initiates session, with the credentials based on nonce value 0x00000000 in case of application layer security.

  4. [Pkg #2] Server tries to authenticate the message. In case of application layer security then with the default nonce value (0x00000000). If this authentication succeeds, server sends a success Status code with a Chal to update the client nonce on the device used to authenticate messages from the client.

  5. [Pkg #3] Client tries to authenticate the message. In case of application layer security then with the default nonce value (0x00000000). If this authentication succeeds, then Client sends success Status code with a Chal to update the server nonce on the server used by the client to authenticate messages from the server (including notification messages).

  6. [Pkg #4] Server sends back success Status. If desired, server replaces the server AuthSecret in the DMAcc to further protect against repeated attacks on the nonce re-negotiation protocol.

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